
i used to do clipper summer 87.  now i ported to harbour and find that
@ get/read behaves slightly different under harbour.

1) @ get/read fields can not be confirmed with ctrl-enter (chr(10)),
only with enter (chr(13)).  clipper S87 will not exit the whole read
by pressing ctrl-enter, but at least lastkey() is set to 10 in a valid

2) ctrl-pgdn will not move the cursor to the last field (as in S87),
but will exit the whole read.

i would try to change that behaviour myself, but i don't know where to
start looking.

can anyone help?

proof of concept code:

   private x, y
   x = "123"
   y = "   "
   @ 0,0 get x valid showlast(0)
   @ 1,0 get y valid showlast(1)

function showlast
   parameter r
   @ r,20 say lastkey() picture "9999"
return .t.


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