Hi Randy

Follow is untested sample with crystal report using gtwvg may be
adapted to hbxtq
basically using  xbp instead wvg
Function MyCrystalViewer()
   LOCAL oCrystal := CREATEOBJECT( "CrystalRuntime.Application" )
   LOCAL oReport  := oCrystal:OpenReport( "PROVA.RPT" )
   LOCAL oDlg, oActvX
  oDlg := WvgDialog():New():Create( , ,  { 20,20 }, { 600,400 }, , .t. )
  oActvX:= WvgActiveXControl():New( oDlg:drawingArea )
  oActvX:CLSID := "CRViewer9.CRViewer"
  oActvX:create( , , {0,0}, oDlg:currentSize(), .t. )
  oActvX:ReportSource := oReport
  oActvX:Do( "ViewReport" )
  oActvX:resize := {||  oActvX:setPosAndSize( {0,0},
oDlg:currentSize(), .t. )  }
  do while .t.
     if inkey() == 27
  Return nil

as other possible soultion exaro is free report engine similar to
Jasper or Crystal Reports.
eXaro can be embedded any Qt application but you not have any wrapper
for harbour

As commercial application
Fast report for harbour at http://www.paritetsoft.ru/frh.htm

2010/3/31 Randy <ra...@palmas.com>:
> Hi all,
> Is there a report writer of choice for use with Harbour?
> Ideally, I would like a report writer that allows my app to create the print
> handle (ie. hPrintDC) and pass it to the report writer instead of the report
> writer creating its own so that I can combine multiple reports in a single
> print job.
> If you know of any report writers that work well with Harbour, please let me
> know.
> TIA.
> Regards,
> Randy.

Massimo Belgrano
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