as you seen gtwvw is not in contrib but in examples because have A Rudimentary port C:\harbour\examples\gtwvw seem also Incompatible with hbwin where is updated last gtwvw source in xharbour?
I suggest you see as alternative at GTWVG Another way is emulate gtwvw in gtwvt/gtwvg/XWC /gtqtc IMO either gtwvg and gtqtc will allow this follow is my incomplete idea for made easy the conversion // Experiment for Emulating *gtwvw* with gtwvt/gtwvg/XWC /gtqtc #IFDEF __PLATFORM__WINDOWS REQUEST HB_GT_WVT_DEFAULT #DEFINE THREAD_GT "WVT" #ELSE REQUEST HB_GT_STD_DEFAULT #DEFINE THREAD_GT "XWC" #ENDIF #COMMAND DEFAULT <v1> TO <x1> [, <vN> TO <xN> ]=> IF((<v1>)=NIL,<v1>:=<x1>,NIL) [; IF((<vN>)=NIL,<vN>:=<xN>,NIL)] STATIC S_Ocrt:={} STATIC S_setmaincoord:=.f. #XTRANSLATE setpos( => setpos2( FUNCTION main local X_Number:=9 cls wvw_setmaincoord(.t.) WINDO=WVW_nOpenWindow("", 5, 5, 7, 40) @ 5,5 ,7,40 box "" @ 6,6 SAY "Number" get number READ WVW_lCloseWindow(WINDO) RETURN FUNCTION WVW_nOpenWindow(X_title,x_top,x_left,x_bottom,x_right) local ocrt x_ocrt := hb_gtCreate( THREAD_GT ) setmode(x_bottom-x_top+1,x_right-x_left+1) // ? x_bottom-x_top,x_right-x_left x_oCrt := hb_gtSelect() aadd(s_ocrt,{x_ocrt,X_title,x_top,x_left,x_bottom,x_right}) x_ret=len(s_ocrt) RETURN x_ret FUNCTION WVW_lCloseWindow(x_pos) default x_pos to len(s_ocrt) s_ocrt[x_pos,1]=nil adel(s_ocrt,x_pos,.t.) RETURN FUNCTION wvw_setmaincoord(x_coord) s_setmaincoord:=x_coord RETURN #XUNTRANSLATE setpos( => FUNCTION SetPos2( x_row, x_col ) local x_pos:=len(s_ocrt) // altd() if s_setmaincoord setpos(x_row-s_ocrt[x_pos,3],x_col-s_ocrt[x_pos,5]) else setpos(x_row,x_col) endif RETURN 2010/3/29 Itamar Lins <> > Em 29/3/2010 11:01, Viktor Szakáts escreveu: > > That's good because maybe from those 100 users, >> there is a higher chance that someone will be >> able to fix the problems. >> >> If this request was targeted to me, I'm sorry >> but I cannot help more. Wasted too much time >> with stuff just for the sake of making Harbour >> look better. Was too much being the red cross. >> >> So, ppl, jump on it and fix it. >> > Hi! > I understand your situation, the users were the Brazilians who made the fix > for the xHarbour 1.2.1. > So here is this newsletter. The staff starting with the WVW and then merges > or changes to Hwgui or Mnigui, Fivewin... > > > Best regards, > Itamar M. Lins Jr. > > -- Massimo Belgrano
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