Saulius Zrelskis wrote:
> I try to use CreateWindow(Ex) parameter LPVOID lpParam.
There can be address of memory or any value
( LPVOID ) 0x12345678
and messages WM_NCCREATE, WM_CREATE receives in lParam
structure CREATESTRUCT address, where member lpCreateParams
have value passed through lpParam in CreateWindow(Ex).
Have you experience on this?
lpCreateParams can be used to pass windows structure/object, but this
does not help if you want to have hWnd and windows structure binding in
WM_GETMINMAXINFO, since this message does not have CREATESTRUCT
parameter. WM_GETMINMAXINFO processing could be useful if window size
should depend on its child controls size and you want to avoid flicker
caused by multiple resize.
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