Saulius Zrelskis wrote:
Before returning, CreateWindow sends a WM_CREATE message to the window
So this message _never_ processed in hb_gt_wvt_WndProc, because window handle
is still unknown for hb_gt_wvt_Find.
This also appends to messages WM_GETMINMAXINFO, WM_NCCREATE and WM_NCCALCSIZE.
Any hint how to resolve this?
Warning: I do not know anything about WVT, so, my answer will be more
generic, but could not fit in case of WVT.
I understand the main problem is binding the hWnd to some internal
window structure/object representing hWnd in application. Before
CreateWindow returns (and hWnd is obtained and bound), event handler
receives some messages and it is unable to locate window structure.
I use the following method: before CreateWindow() call I put structure
pointer into static variable. After first (any) message is received I do
hWnd and structure binding, and forward message to real handler.
To isolate this binding functionality and avoid situation then message
for a different (not the one that was just created) window will be
dequeued, I use a separate window procedure for binding purpose. After
hWnd and structure is bound, I set the real window handler using
SetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_WNDPROC, ...) and forward event to real handler.
Is it clear?
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