
for real code, doing I/O on a network share, the difference could be lower,


Viktor Szakáts wrote:
>> Viktor Szakáts wrote:
>>> I've included BCC55 for comparison. It's running at half the overall speed 
>>> compared to 4.5 64-bit.
>> Echhhh... I'm still using BCC, because... it compiles f.e. \external\sqlite3 
>> in 2.74 s, and MGW compiles it in 3 minutes 3.25 s, i.e. 67 times slower...
> Yes, it's good for "draft" builds.
> Though at least for live builds used by real users 
> IMO it's worth to take the pain of a longer build 
> to offer a faster working application. It's a one 
> time overhead on developer's side and and permanent 
> and noticeable gain on the users' side.
> Brgds,
> Viktor
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