Viktor Szakáts wrote:
> If you make such output parsing, make sure to always 
> use '-lang=en' option when calling hbmk2, otherwise 
> it won't work in localized (Portuguese and Hungarian 
> currently) environments.
> I've added -width= option, so if you now use it also 
> when calling hbmk2 ('-width=999' f.e.), it won't 
> split long lines, so you can simply look for LF char 
> to find the end of the output filename, instead of 
> looking for .exe. .exe is not good, because it's 
> platform dependent.


> '-out=' option parsing cannot reliably work, so I'd 
> suggest to delete it:


> ---
>   IF ::lLaunch
>      cTmp := ::oOutputResult:oWidget:toPlainText()
>      cExe := ""
>      IF empty( cExe )
>         cTkn := "hbmk2: Linking... "
>         IF ( n := at( cTkn, cTmp ) ) > 0
>            n1   := hb_at( Chr( 10 ), cTmp, n + len( cTkn ) )
>            cExe := substr( cTmp, n + len( cTkn ), n1 - n - len( cTkn ) + 1
> )
>         ENDIF
>      ENDIF
>      IF empty( cExe )
>         cTkn := "hbmk2: Target up to date: "
>         IF ( n := at( cTkn, cTmp ) ) > 0
>            n1   := hb_at( Chr( 10 ), cTmp, n + len( cTkn ) )
>            cExe := substr( cTmp, n + len( cTkn ), n1 - n - len( cTkn ) + 1
> )
>         ENDIF
>      ENDIF
> ---

I made experiments with above settings and code,
but I could never pullout the executable. To be on the simpler
side and to avoid any ambiquity are guessing, hbMK2 should 
provide a token itself : hbmk2: target path...
[C:\_the_output_file_with_path] .

BTW -width=999 is not working:

C:\dev_projects\harbour\cachemgr>set HB_COMPILER=bcc 
hbmk2: Processing environment options: -compiler=bcc
hbmk2: Autodetected platform: win
hbmk2: Using Harbour: C:\harbour_dev\harbour\bcc\bin
C:\harbour_dev\harbour\bcc\include C:\harbour_dev\harbour\bcc\lib
hbmk2: Using C compiler: C:\harbour_dev\bcc\bin\bcc32.exe
hbmk2: Processing configuration: C:\harbour_dev\harbour\bcc\bin\hbmk.cfg
hbmk2: Compiling Harbour sources...
hbmk2: Harbour compiler command (embedded):
(C:\harbour_dev\harbour\bcc\bin\harbour.exe) -n2
c:\dev_sources\cachemgr\source\MyTable.prg -w3 -gc2 -m -n -a -D__oHARBOUR__
-D__WVT__ -D__xDEV__ -D__STANDALONE__ -D__HOME__ -D__PRIT__ -D__xREMOTE__
-D__MT__ -D__xSTAFF__ -q -width=999 -oc:\dev_objs\bcc\cachemgr\
-iC:\harbour_dev\bcc\Include -iC:\harbour_dev\harbour\bcc\include
-ic:\harbour\include -ic:\dev_sources\cachemgr\include
-ic:\dev_sources\freewin\include -ic:\dev_sources\cacherdd\include
-ic:\harbour\contrib\gtwvg -ic:\harbour\contrib\xhb
Error F0034 Bad command line option 'width=999'

Also the output nowhere shows hbmk2 revision number.

                 enjoy hbIDEing...
                    Pritpal Bedi 
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