Massimo hbIDE setup download is totally wrong.
1. It contains all the dlls from Qt distribution, to be precice 36 2. Harbour only needs 5 dlls: QtCore4 QtGui4 QtNetwork4 QtUiTools and mingwm10.dll It will reduce the size of setup considerable. 3. You do not ask for where to install ? You install in the default Harbour repository, all the bad. Never install in Harbour's, allow the user to create a new folder, default being {drive}\hbIDE. There are lot many tips more but... ----- enjoy hbIDEing... Pritpal Bedi _a_student_of_software_analysis_&_design_ -- View this message in context: Sent from the harbour-devel mailing list archive at _______________________________________________ Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)