follow comment

2010/3/3  <>:
>  - contrib/hbide/projects/hbide.hbi
>    ! Totally abandoned .hbi project protocol.

>    + Restructured project management.
>    + Implemented: .hbp as project definition protocol.
>      Exploited -3rd= token to keep hbIDE specific data.
>      Now you can open any existing .hbp and build it
>      out of the box. You must have set the build env
>      beforehand OR take use of hbIDE's .env protocol.
>    + Implemented: relative paths. The relative paths are
>      are computed downwards and from .hbp location.
>      Upper level paths still remain absolute. If your
>      projects structure is well thought of, then this
>      feature means this project tree is transferable
>      across different OS's and drives.
Having a unique project file is a big quantum leap!
I update my version in nexts  hours with a ready to use version of hbide and
updated documentation from

>    + Managed: .hbp filters on source level and are
>      handelled transparently. In Project Tree source
>      is shown without filters. Search operations are
>      also transparent. So, an entry like:
>        {msvc|bcc}vouch/scandocument.prg
>      is respected by hbIDE.
>    ! The other changes:
>      - Project Properties dialogs contents.
>        It is now very simple to understand and manage.
Yes i confirm simplification
is suggest made follow simplification:
Create a New file & new Project with one click for user that want try write
his ?"Hello world" and immediately compile
Having in command line single prg for simple edit mode who help user
starting without use project
Dynamic defined wizard for visual define Flag like follow screenshot
starting from array/xml easy to define for hbide,harbour
{"/a","automatic memvar"}
{"/w","warning level",{ {"0","warning level0"},{"1","warning level1
default"},{"0","warning level0"} } }
{"/b","include debug info"}
i can finish this array if in your opinion is good way
If contain 3 dimension need a combobox
with this info can be read  extended info also in actual mode
[image: image]

Project tree require more click because have 4 level
imo is better a reduced tree
>      - Concept of meta-data is eliminated.
>      - The output executable is automatically recognized
>        from linker output. So "Destination folder" is
>        kept for only "Launch" option which, in fact, does
>        not know where executable is located. "Build & Launch"
>        and "Rebuild & Launch" options do not look for
>        "Destination folder" at all.
>      - Project location is always pulled from .hbp file.
>        It is not retained anywhere to make the project
>        portable.
>      - Many more facts I cannot recollect at present.
>     ; TODO: {hbmk2} slot in hbide.env protocol to pass
>       command-line parameters.
>     ; NOTE: delete hbide.ini, idesettings.ini, all .hbi's
>             and start with clean state.
>             Regression is highly possible and I am eager
>             to hear from you. This commit is just for
>             stramlining project management, though there
>             few other features implemented less important
>             to mention.

Massimo Belgrano
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