On 25/02/10 16:18, Pritpal Bedi wrote:
I understand the question.
hbIDE is a powerful application demonstration
( if we take it in this context ) which exposes many-many constructs
of Qt.
Certainly, but for the beginner ( or old Clipper person like me ) that's
too big a step.
What else you are asing for, or expecting ?
Any chance of "Hello_Qt_World.prg" with a push button. Nothing more.
Just to get started ?
The xhgtk samples are the sort of thing I mean, see button01.prg below.
* $Id: button01.prg 396 2010-01-29 13:54:36Z marcosgambeta $
xHGTK sample
Copyright 2005 by Marcos Antonio Gambeta
#include "gtk.ch"
LOCAL pWindow // pointer to the widget GtkWindow
LOCAL pButton // pointer to the widget GtkButton
// initialize GTK+
// create the main window
pWindow := gtk_window_new( GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL )
// define width and height of the main window
gtk_widget_set_size_request( pWindow, 250, 50 )
// define title
gtk_window_set_title( pWindow, "GtkButton - sample 1" )
// define start position
gtk_window_set_position( pWindow, GTK_WIN_POS_CENTER )
// create the widget GtkButton
pButton := gtk_button_new()
// add the widget to the window
gtk_container_add( pWindow, pButton )
// turn the widget visible
gtk_widget_show( pButton )
// close the application if the window is destroyed
gtk_signal_connect( pWindow, "destroy", {|| gtk_main_quit() } )
// destroy the window if the button is clicked
gtk_signal_connect( pButton, "clicked", {|| gtk_widget_destroy(
pWindow ) } )
// show the window
gtk_widget_show( pWindow )
// start the main loop
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