marco bra wrote:
> Trying to generate doc from document viewer:
> a) i set Harbour installation root: /home/danilo/src/harbour
> b) push on the refresh button (no feed back, no error, no generate doc)
> c) Playing with navigation buttons (all active) if i press the up green
> arrow button key i get:

Let us take a tour:

How did you set - /home/danilo/src/harbour ?
By keyboard input or selecting folder with "Select..." button ?
Try typing-in the the root path, do you see red background 
if you type a wrong one?

Though I do not know about nix*s, [/home/danilo/src/harbour]
seems to be the path relative to current folder. Probably 
./home/danilo/src/harbour could do.

When you type-in the path in edit control, it informs its 
existance visually with background color - white=ok, red=does_not_exists.

Delete "CurrentHarbour" entry in hbide.ini and start afresh.

                 enjoy hbIDEing...
                    Pritpal Bedi 
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