marco bra wrote: > > Hbide from rev. 13957 playing with Document Viewer Dock > > i set as Harbour installation root "/home/ubuntu/src/harbour" and i live > the > "doc folder prefix" empty pressing the green upper row i get this runtime > error > > Unrecoverable error 6005: Exception SIGSEGV at address 0x5d > Called from QT_QTREEWIDGET_SETCURRENTITEM(0) > Called from QTREEWIDGET:SETCURRENTITEM(0) in ../../../TQTreeWidget.prg > Called from IDEHARBOURHELP:EXECEVENT(428) in ideharbourhelp.prg > Called from (b)IDEHARBOURHELP_INSTALLSIGNALS(336) in ideharbourhelp.prg > Called from QT_QEVENTLOOP_PROCESSEVENTS(0) > Called from QEVENTLOOP:PROCESSEVENTS(0) in ../../../TQEventLoop.prg > Called from APPEVENT(0) in ../../../xbpgeneric.prg > Called from HBIDE:CREATE(417) in hbide.prg > Called from MAIN(110) in hbide.prg >
This is strange error as this line is guarded against such action. Can you exactly send step-by-step actions toy took, including the navigation, to let me understand how I can reproduce it ? I assume, when you run hbIDE, the documentation tree is already populated. ----- enjoy hbIDEing... Pritpal Bedi _a_student_of_software_analysis_&_design_ -- View this message in context: Sent from the harbour-devel mailing list archive at _______________________________________________ Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)