>>>  $HEADERSFILES$  => Only names separated with ","                           
>>>  => if it depends on many or only one with
>>> primary dependance 
>> This is already included in $SYNTAX$ section, I think it's fine as it is:
>> ---
>> *  $SYNTAX$
>> *      C Prototype
>> *
>> *      #include "hbapifs.h"
>> *      hb_fsChDir( BYTE * pszDirName ) --> ( HB_BOOL ) bResult
>> ---
> I think $SYTAX$ is enough. Though, I prefer a common C syntax:
>  HB_BOOL hb_fsChDir( BYTE * pszDirName )

Agreed fully.

>>>  $LIB$                 => only name without suffix.
>> I was thinking about it, but I'd rather vote to keep Harbour as easy to use 
>> as possible, so that users don't have to worry about lib names at all.
> I find it useful (but not critical).
>>> 2. $SEAALSO#  must also follow a certain pattern, say, separated with spaces
>>> or comma.
>> Definitely. I think it's already defined as comma. If not, we should now 
>> define it as comma. Space is not good, as commands may have spaces in them.
> I guess we have same functions that has the same C and PRG names. It will be 
> impossible to link "see also" pages. Though, case sensitive link names and 
> upper case names for PRG functions can solve majority of the problem.

Good point. Worst case, parser should make 
list _all_ occurrences of 'see also' references, 
so for "hb_releaseCPU()" f.e., it would list both 
the .c and .prg level versions, regardless of 


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