
Since using Harbour from Clipper 5.2e, we'd have a few minor problems, and a
lot of success.  One thing that will make our lives easier in 100,000 lines
of Clipper code is some sort of switch in Harbour / hbmk2 that will warn you
if you are using a variable that wasn't declared by LOCAL, PRIV, MEMVAR, etc
etc...  in a function.

For example, if I do:


   LOCAL x, y
   FOR i := 1 TO 10
     ? i


It would warn me upon compilation that "i" isn't declared in the Function.
Maybe I am asking too much, as I don't think it's technically wrong.  Just
that we have a lot of code where the original author forgot to keep his var
declarations clean, and write LOCAL i after the FUNC declaration.

I tried looking through the switches that Harbour.exe provides... but I
couldn't find anything relevant.  Thank you.  Any thoughts / criticisms

smu johnson <smujohn...@gmail.com>
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