On Mon, 15 Feb 2010, Szak�ts Viktor wrote:


> My idea was to move all non-C52e function to 
> "dialect" libs. Questions are: where to draw 
> the line? (f.e. C53 may be better left in core), 
> and how to name and where to place these "dialect" 
> libs.

IMO C53 has to be definitely in core.
I.e. CL52 RDD model is unfinished and disabling CL53
compatible code is very serious limitation.

> Probably it would be best to keep them in contrib 
> area, and give them some distinctive lib prefix, 
> f.e. 'hdxpp', 'hdxhb', 'hdfs', 'hdclip', 'hdfox'.

It's not possible to give good support for above
extensions using only separated libraries. There are
things which has to be implemented as compiler or
preprocessor extensions. Some other things has to
be add to RDD code. I do not see any easy way to
separated DBF RDD and create 4 or 5 different RDDs
supporting only chosen subset of global functionality
without creating copy of existing code.

I agree that it's good to keep most of functions in
separated libraries but we should not claim that its
the method of adding full compatibility layer for
other xbase dialects. It's not and never be.

> If we agree on the naming, placement and the fact 
> that some .prg-level FlagShip, FoxPro stuff will 
> move out from core. I'm ready to make the move.

There is one very serious problem.
We do not have support for shared libraries in contrib
and some tools like HBRUN are linked only with core
libraries. For many people it's problem (they usually
ask about HBCT functionality which is default part of
Clipper for them) and we should try to resolve it first
(i.e. loading dynamically contrib shared libraries).
Now each function you moved from core to contrib is one
function less in HBRUN.

There are also extensions to existing functions. Now they
are enabled. When we move to separate libraries then we will
have to copy such functions replicating a lot of code just
to change few bytes or add some runtime emulation for current
compile time switches.
Both methods are possible only for functions which makes
some operations directly but for functions which depends
on some low level code like RDD it will not work some
extended functionality will still work. It means that
only someone who check Harbour source code can guess
when he has to use copy of existing functions i.e.
XPP_TRANSFROM() because core TRANSFROM() does not give
the same results. And of course it will cause that
such functions cannot be used in index KEY or FOR
expressions when data is shared between programs compiled
by different languages. I haven't checked how big is such
problem, xbase++ seems to have quite big number of
extensions to Clipper in standard functions and we are
supporting only few of them but I was never xbase++ user
so I cannot help here much.

BTW Maurilio you were asking about some compatibility
problem with TTHREAD class. If you know xbase++ then
please update this code. Not everything can be emulated
i.e. Harbour (just like Clipper) does not use different
messages to access instance variables and to execute
methods so you cannot implement atEnd() method and have
atEnd() variable but there are many other things which
should be added to this class yet.

best regards,
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