Hi Maurilio and All,

On 2010 Feb 15, at 10:39, Maurilio Longo wrote:

> Hi all,
> I see that there are xpp compatibility objects available inside src/rtl and
> inside contrib/xpp which make me wonder why we have a xpp library when part of
> it is already inside runtime library.
> Shouldn't the xpp compatibility bits be inside xpp library only?

Yes, that's the plan. I left them there in core for 
compatibility and to gather some feedback until final 

Actually the issue is wider, as we have FoxPro, 
FlagShip and C53 functions in core, which would 
require similar "treatment".

My idea was to move all non-C52e function to 
"dialect" libs. Questions are: where to draw 
the line? (f.e. C53 may be better left in core), 
and how to name and where to place these "dialect" 

Probably it would be best to keep them in contrib 
area, and give them some distinctive lib prefix, 
f.e. 'hdxpp', 'hdxhb', 'hdfs', 'hdclip', 'hdfox'.

If we agree on the naming, placement and the fact 
that some .prg-level FlagShip, FoxPro stuff will 
move out from core. I'm ready to make the move.

Opinions are welcome.


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