
On 2010 Feb 8, at 15:56, 2D Info - Leandro Damasio wrote:

> Hi Viktor
>> Sorry but I know nothing about pcode .dlls, hence
>> there is no support for it in hbmk2 (yet?). I can't
>> recall anyone doing any tests with this (besides me
>> a while back, but without any results)
> If you need a tester to this I would be glad to help. I'm working with 
> windows + hbmk2 + mingw.
>> To do anything in this regard, first I should see
>> how pcode .dlls are supposed to work, linked, etc.
>> I also need to see if this is something Windows
>> specific or portable. The latter would certainly
>> make it more interesting to deal with.
> I don't know if this is what you are talking about, but I could tell as a 
> high-level user what is the expected usage and behaviour if that be the case. 
> I just used pcode dlls in windows enviroment, so I don't know much about 
> their portability also, but I believe there shouldn't be any plataform 
> dependant issues below to hb_libload function in this case. I don't think 
> they can be a "build once run everywhere" solution, but they sure can be a 
> "code once run everywhere" solution.
>> In the meantime I'd suggest to consider to use
>> .hrb files instead. Unless there is the need to
>> include .c code in these pcode .dlls, they are
>> superior in all aspects, moreover they already work.
> Yes, that can be very good, but I don't know anything about .hrb modules. Are 
> they compiled or interpreted in run-time? What is the usage? Is there any 
> limitations on .hrb modules (variable and function scope limitations, class 
> declaration limitations, mt limitations) compared to statically linked prg 
> modules beyond support to c code? Are there any examples or documentation on 
> repository ?

I hope someone can answer these, but until then I suggest 
to lookup past messages, there has been _lots_ of detailed 
talk about .hrb files, even recently. You can start by 
looking up HB_HRB*() functions in ChangeLog and find examples 
in source tree.

They are pretty handy and lots of Harbour users / developers 
are actively using them.

[ Also see Przemek's recent message about pcode-dlls, 
though it seems we're both recommending .hrb files. ]


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