Hi Viktor

Sorry but I know nothing about pcode .dlls, hence
there is no support for it in hbmk2 (yet?). I can't
recall anyone doing any tests with this (besides me
a while back, but without any results)

If you need a tester to this I would be glad to help. I'm working with windows + hbmk2 + mingw.

To do anything in this regard, first I should see
how pcode .dlls are supposed to work, linked, etc.
I also need to see if this is something Windows
specific or portable. The latter would certainly
make it more interesting to deal with.

I don't know if this is what you are talking about, but I could tell as a high-level user what is the expected usage and behaviour if that be the case. I just used pcode dlls in windows enviroment, so I don't know much about their portability also, but I believe there shouldn't be any plataform dependant issues below to hb_libload function in this case. I don't think they can be a "build once run everywhere" solution, but they sure can be a "code once run everywhere" solution.

In the meantime I'd suggest to consider to use
.hrb files instead. Unless there is the need to
include .c code in these pcode .dlls, they are
superior in all aspects, moreover they already work.

Yes, that can be very good, but I don't know anything about .hrb modules. Are they compiled or interpreted in run-time? What is the usage? Is there any limitations on .hrb modules (variable and function scope limitations, class declaration limitations, mt limitations) compared to statically linked prg modules beyond support to c code? Are there any examples or documentation on repository ?

Thank you for answering.

Best regards

From: "Viktor Szakáts" <harbour...@syenar.hu>
Sent: Monday, February 08, 2010 8:42 AM
To: "Harbour Project Main Developer List." <harbour@harbour-project.org>
Subject: Re: [Harbour] How to build and use pCode DLL with hbmk2

Hi Leandro,

Sorry but I know nothing about pcode .dlls, hence
there is no support for it in hbmk2 (yet?). I can't
recall anyone doing any tests with this (besides me
a while back, but without any results)

To do anything in this regard, first I should see
how pcode .dlls are supposed to work, linked, etc.
I also need to see if this is something Windows
specific or portable. The latter would certainly
make it more interesting to deal with.

In the meantime I'd suggest to consider to use
.hrb files instead. Unless there is the need to
include .c code in these pcode .dlls, they are
superior in all aspects, moreover they already work.


On 2010 Feb 8, at 13:34, 2D Info - Leandro Damasio wrote:

I have an aplication based on pCode Dll funcionallity. It was written in xHarbour + BCC55 and now I need to know how to build it hbmk2+MINGW. In xHarbour we could choose between 3 dll entry-points by chosing between maindll.obj, maindllh.obj or maindllp.obj and once linking the dll with maindllp.obj one just had to libload the DLL to make all its symbols be brought to the "host" vm, just like using clipper+blinker DLLs. I see that hbmk2 have and option -hbdyn to build dlls, but how do I tell hbmk2 that I need a pCode DLL and not a self-contained or harbour dll? Ahd how about the load procedings? Should it work the same way as in xHarbour (just libload the DLL and its functions will be available) or is there any other formality to fulfill? We had to threatfully make a few changes on the xHarbour vm to make libload() work properly but they were so few and small that I believe they can have been already solved in Harbour once its vm seems to have a stronger design.
Leandro Damasio
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