>> I remember to implement WAPI_WAITFOR*() functions in hbwin 
>> after reading this conversation to help the matter, though 
>> we would need some portable core solution for this problem, 
>> also.
> I mensioned that I made some experiments, though 
> not for a longer duration, and could not achieve something 
> similar as Qt provides. Even if it has be implemented, it 
> needs MT support as the output will ever be read in 
> different thread [ read Przemek's explanation ].
> So, for the time being we can put this issue aside.
> Later in some spare time we can think of hb_process*
> functionality and can design a class framework.

So we put it aside again :(

I hope Przemek can add some input, because I 
don't feel hbide usage pattern is so special, 
that our core API should not handle it.

>> If you want to maintain a copy of it and update it, 
>> it's better but still not overly beautiful. I certainly 
>> can't dedicate attention to update hbmk2.prg copy 
>> in case the code changes in hbide.
> No problems, I will maintain in hbIDE. 
> As already explained, I do not want to call any 
> external process at the moment of "New Project"

It's not really "new project", but "import project", 
should happen rarely, unless you plan to implement 
write support for all these alien formats, but I believe 
this isn't the plan.


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