 each library in harbour have a makefile that allow compile with 
win-make all modules 

How hbide Will be used  for easy editing harbour itself? 

Two way may be used: 
open as way:hbdir use same makefile information for editing project 
Import project way: from one makefile to hbc like for xmate 

   IMO HBIDE has nothing to do with our GNU Makefiles. 

   Now Harbour examples already have an .hbp file each, 
   and on the longer run I plan to add .hbp files to each 
   contrib also, as soon as we make the switch from GNU Make 
   to hbmk2 build system for them. At this point each contrib 
   will be just a normal 3rd party lib hosted in Harbour SVN, 
   and HBIDE can be used to open them as is. 

   I'd think this direction is a better investment that 
   making HBIDE suited to read all the makefiles in the world. 
      Yes agree wit you but i think that with this feature hbide will be 
      usefull also for xharbour or other project with that use gnu 

         Please note that 'makefile' is not a standard file format, 
         it's rather a language. There cannot be a generic reader 
         written for it, unless HBIDE will contain a full blown 
         GNU Make script parser, which is IMO not our goal. 

         Even Harbour 'Makefile' content is not trivial to parse, 
         and doesn't contain enough information to create a build 
         from it. 

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