
I am working on the SVN version and I am trying to set an example of
Code Insight even rudimentary so you can get an idea of what is... and
something with icons and menus for shotcurts is loading external
files. I send to you something today or tomorrow ...

Vailton Renato

2009/12/29 Pritpal Bedi <bediprit...@hotmail.com>:
> Hello
> Vailton Renato wrote:
>> My idea is that when you double click on a line with error or warning,
>> the hbide now jump to the relevant line of source code that generated
>> the message ... This will be very practical!
>> = D
> Done.
>> And on the issue of icons, I can mount a case then ... because I find
>> it interesting to have a tool with its own identity and I think this
>> would be something important (no offense to xMate) ...
> This is what you think, I may think otherwise, no personal offence...
>> * Keyboard shortcuts would be loaded from an external file that the
>> user could choose the kind that pleases more leh: Pascal (F9 run,
>> compile ^ F9), MSVC (F5 run, ^ F5 to compile, etc.) or xMate or VB,
>> etc. ..
> This is quiet easy. I will implement in a day or two and is on my TODO list.
>> * The translation of texts, could follow the same model xMate or
>> MyMake: a text file with 1 line for each text to be translated.
> Because I never had any need for that so have never exploited it anyway.
> Which strings are subject to translatation ? Few years back I provided
> this very mechanism in Vouch32.lib so I know it is a matter of couple
> of hours, the only need is to identify where those translations are applied.
>> * If we can intercept the Ctrl+Space inside the IDE, I could implement
>> Code Insight in the HBIDE from :aTags thus speeding the development.
> Can you explain in detail this idea? I could not catch up.
>> * If each item :aTabs is an object and not an array, I believe the
>> performance will not be harmed and would greatly facilitate our work
>> of manipulating information, especially when the Code is implemented
>> insight.
> First step is already implemented. Next step is exactly what you are
> looking for.
> Thanks for the insight.
> Regards
> Pritpal Bedi
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