
I know that you are upgrading hbide and we all hope this good news,
but I was anxious and changed some details (we can then merge in the
future) so I'm sending a link to the version I'm playing here just to
collect some opinions.

Highlights are some new items in the main menu but I are incomplete
(marked with "*"), icons on menu items and new shortcuts in the
menus.. after that I imagine will be most useful to load it from a
custom file with shortcut keys similar to Delphi, xMate or MSVC that
the User can choose which he likes more..

One question: the icons must necessarily be similar to xMate? I have
some pictures that we could use the project ... but they do not
resemble the current project.

When you hit F9 to compile a project the error messages and warnings
are highlighted in different colors.

To be complete this feature, would need to enable QTextEdit in the
event of double click on the line. For when he double-clicked on an
online message, the hbide already jumped to the file and line chosen
... Could you help me get this feature?

I will continue with the tests, then I get this version and the merge
to give the news.

Link to download this draft:

Vailton Renato

Sorry for any bad english.
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