Hi! Hello!
I have some spare time this week to work on hbide and I still do some tests and experiments with it. I was studying a way for the error messages are displayed in highlighted colors and I ended up stopped into an error which gave me a little fix. Are two simple details that need to be adjusted and I would like to report here already with the corrections: On file C:\harbour\contrib\hbqt\hbqt_misc.prg(137), has a missing code: FUNCTION hbqt_showError( cMsg ) LOCAL s IF hb_isArray( cMsg ) s := "" aeval( cMsg, {|e| s += e + chr( 13 ) } ) hbqt_messageBox( s, NIL, "Run-time Error!", QMessageBox_Critical ) ELSE IF SubStr( cMsg, 1, 1 ) == "_" s := SubStr( cMsg, 2 ) ELSE s := cMsg /// <<<< ---- Missing code! ENDIF hbqt_messageBox( ":" + s, "Message not found - " + ProcName( 2 ) + ":" + hb_ntos( ProcLine( 2 ) ) ) ENDIF RETURN nil On C:\harbour\contrib\hbxbp\xbprtf.prg(703): METHOD XbpRtf:textRTF( ... ) LOCAL xRet := ::oWidget:toHtml() LOCAL aP := hb_aParams() IF len( aP ) == 1 .and. hb_isChar( aP[ 1 ] ) ::oWidget:setHtmlText( aP[ 1 ] ) //// <<<--- Right is setHTML () - see TQTextEdit.prg(457) ENDIF IF len( aP ) >= 1 ENDIF RETURN xRet I hope this information is helpful! Best Regards, Vailton Renato _______________________________________________ Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB) Harbour@harbour-project.org http://lists.harbour-project.org/mailman/listinfo/harbour