Hello Massimo

First, you posted this message in reference to irrelevant thread.
And hence a lot of us may loose the context in the future.
Can you start a new thread with clear-cut subject line ?

The thread you replied to pertains to HBXBP, not HBIDE.

Massimo Belgrano-3 wrote:
> Follow my impression


> in news project the required field project location in not to current dir
> but c:/harbour/contrib/hbide/projects

No, the default is the hb_dirBase + "projects".
So whereever HBIDE.exe will reside, default is presented as sub-folder 
"project" of residing folder.

> workinkg folder, and destination folder give error first saving then give
> default

I did not test, Vailton?

> File open,new not add to project element but only to editor

Please try to understand the overall concept of HBIDE.
Project Management and Editing are two separate entities.
I have kept this design persistent to clips on my drawing-board.
HBIDE is not exact replica of xMate though it will emulated 
xMate's functionality.

> every times that i require to compile give me  Terminal windows like
> command
> prompt

I are working on it. But if you try (Qt) option then you will 
not encounter black window. In some commit next week it will be fixed

> will have errorlist in output console line xmate?
> i need  the ability to go to row(5) with an error like
>  C:/harbour/contrib/hbide/test.prg(5) Error E0030 Syntax error "syntax
> error
> at 'SS'"

We will have it and is on my TODO list.

> find in file not implemented
> comumn mode not implemented

Rome was not built in a day!

> -----multiproject area -
> why use listbox of editor tabs and not directly tabs?

Again you cannot see the bigger picture of HBIDE.
Ok, if you open 20 .prgs in a session, what you do to 
reach to a tab at the right-most? In xMate, you click right-arrow 
button on the right of tab-bar many times to reach there and again
when you want to edit first tab?

In my personal experience, I found this functionality of xMate very

possible having a command line of hbide witth filename.hbi or filename.prg?
so hbide will be used for prg editor

No, HBIDE will stick to only one parameter, the location of hbide.ini
which in turn can have n number of possibilities.

> why not allow multiple hbide instance?

What stops you to open multiple instances ?

> why i see all project managed in project tabs
> i try explain
> i have created aaa and bbb and see Harbour-qt-ide,aaa,bbb and can't remove
> (closedropproject not implemented)

This is the fundamental design decision.
When we say IDE ( Integrated Development Environment ), we 
are talking about - _Open Once Accomplish Everything_.

> How switch from a default project to another
> hbide request me only one times select a prokect to make the current i
> must
> rerun hbide

Right-click on any project in <Projects Tree> and select <Set as Default>.
That's it. You will see the project name in the title-bar as well as in

Pritpal Bedi
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