>-----Original Message-----
>From: Viktor Szakáts [mailto:harbour...@syenar.hu] 
>Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2009 9:54 PM
>To: Harbour Project Main Developer List.
>Subject: [Harbour] Harbour next major release wishlist
>Hi All,
>In the spirit of release enthusiasm it's now also a good time 
>to brainstorm a little on things which we would like to make 
>it into next major Harbour release.
>You're welcome to post your idea, whatever that is.
>My list on the top of my head:
>- Complete Unicode support
>- Type cleanup (planned)
>- Oracle accessibility (sddora, hbora)
>- Dir layout scheme cleanup (planned)
>- Multi-OS binary distribution for WIN/DOS/OS2 world
>- Becoming a std Linux package
>- Ironing out HBQT remaining grey areas
>  (memory management, .prg level indestructibility,
>  proper componentization)
>- HBBMCDX integrated into core.
>- XML support

Good day after Christmas.
My congratulations on the Harbor version 2.0.
In my head is still move the Mindaugas web server to a subdirectory CONTRIB and 
SOAP server.

Marek Horodyski
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

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