Viktor Szakáts escribió:
Hi All,
In the spirit of release enthusiasm it's now also
a good time to brainstorm a little on things which
we would like to make it into next major Harbour
Hi Viktor, You've opened Pandora's box here :)
My 5 minutes brainstorming list:
- A RPC protocol based on NETIO to allow 2/3 tier multiplattform apps.
- Invite Marcos Antonio gambeta to integrate xhgtk into harbour`s tree.
- Invite Teo Fourounge (forgive mispelling) to integrate wxwidgets into
harbour`s tree.
- Invite Carozo de Quilmes to integrate his hbqtcommand (minigui
compatible command layer based on QT ) into harbour's tree.
- Make Harbour a standard package on linux ( at least ubuntu )
- An SQL interpreter for DBF files so we can work in mixed navigational-
recorset based mode depending of the kind of problem to solve.
- Start a big collaboration effor to scatter compile edit and publish a
more professional multilevel documentation (users-developpers-etc).
Angel Pais
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