2009/12/10 Viktor Szakáts <harbour...@syenar.hu>:
> 1) The sf.net page
Ultra slow:= not usable

> 2) www.harbour-project.org
Not possible to hosting restriction

> With little effort one can find the sf.net page, where
> the forum is listed. One can open INSTALL, which has
> an updated list of links to all important Harbour
> resource.
In speed google group is to sf like cycle to ferrari testarossa

> So it's _still_ not a shortage of _technical resources_
> or lack of mediums. Pls let's not open new ones, but
> try to exploit existing ones.
I not open anything is only a proposal
tryed and defined as not usable
Can you/we search positive experiences from other languages?

> Brgds,
> Viktor

Massimo Belgrano
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