On Nov 9, 2009, at 9:16 AM, Barry Jackson wrote:
On 09/11/09 14:49, Massimo Belgrano wrote:
if Your search an active harbour group:i suggest visit at
is present also Wiki for harbour at http://www.
<http://www.hmgforum.com/wiki>.com/ <http://www.hmgforum.com/
2009/11/9 francesco perillo <fperi...@gmail.com <mailto:fperi...@gmail.com
I just joined the harbour community after a long time in xHarbour
(and hwgui)...
I'm willing to contribute in some ways but I don't know where to
code snippets/howto and other stuff....
For example I'm going to install mingw one of these days and I may
create a small how-to with updated infos... but then, where to
post it
? Here ?
Probably a wiki is the best solution...
Harbour mailing list
Harbour@harbour-project.org <mailto:Harbour@harbour-project.org>
Massimo Belgrano
Harbour mailing list
Why are you driving people away from the forum rather than
encouraging them to visit and use it?
You have a prominent post in the forum telling people who want
advice to go elsewhere. No wonder there is little activity there.
Viktor is correct - the best forums are the ones where long time
members are seen to take the trouble to help others - and I don't
mean the developers - they don't have the time.
I wish I had more knowledge and could do more to help, but my age is
now agaist my ever keeping up with developments :-(
I do my best to promote Harbour in the Mandriva Linux community.
In the meantime if someone could cast an eye over this I would
appreciate it. :-)
Hello Barry, I just answered to barjac and I'll try to help him to
solve the problem.
best regards,
Harbour mailing list