With 4.6 qt are providing an opensource version of the Visual Studio
2008 binary packag
Qt 4.6 is pre-built using the shared C runtime (MD(d),msvcrtd.lib)
With /MD cflag we do "Creates a multithreaded DLL using MSVCRT.lib.
according to  list of MS complier flags and their descriptions.


is /MD cflag the only way of make qt 4.6 and microsoft visual c 2008?

Is possible the way of Recompile qt with different parameter
search another distribution?

Can -MD be predefined by harbour for msvc?

2009/12/4 Viktor Szakáts <harbour...@syenar.hu>:
> So I finally managed to use Harbour with QT for MSVC.
> (just some obvious bits were missing)
> So:
> Whole Harbour needs to be built with -MD C compiler option,
> and the final apps as well:
>> win-make HB_USER_CFLAGS=-MD
>> hbmk2 hbide.hbp -cflag=-MD
> Due to beautiful nature of C++, the mingw .dlls are not
> working with MSVC apps, so you must use the .dlls that
> come with QT for MSVC.
> This is so clumsy that I won't care to document it in
> INSTALL. Bookmark this e-mail for future reference if you're
> interested in this scenario.
> Brgds,
> Viktor
> On 2009 Dec 3, at 17:43, Viktor Szakáts wrote:
>> No doubt it's useful. It's just a lot of time. BTW, I got stuck with
>> the msvc 4.6 qt, it'd nice if this could be checked by an msvc2008
>> user.
>> 2009/12/3, Bisz István <istvan.b...@t-online.hu>:
>>> Hi Viktor,
>>>> No, it's the result of moving my "unofficial" beta3
>>>> packages from my web host to sf.net. This directed the traffic
>>>> to sf.net, which is calculated to the rank by sf.net engine.
>>> Maybe a beta4, with the new settings/findings with Qt4.6 is useful for the
>>> community, how do you think?
>>> Best regards,
>>> István
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