> Compliment  to developer team!
> Harbour now is solid,reliable and go to have a better ranking
> What is appended for having better result from 14 to 15 november
> 2009-11-14    1,134
> 2009-11-15      171
> In a first time i have think to a hbide effect , due large conses of xmate
> but the cause seem:

No, it's the result of moving my "unofficial" beta3 
packages from my web host to sf.net. This directed the traffic 
to sf.net, which is calculated to the rank by sf.net engine.

> Officially Published beta3 by viktor
> Imo we must made frequent release (also beta , experimental version)

And IMO beer, pizza and sports cars should be free 
for everyone ;)

..it doesn't work like this, f.e. for me a release 
takes about 2 _full_ days of work, and only for 
the unified Windows version. Someone should spend 
this time on it and feel the effort to be justified.

> Can we made a Beta4 with "fist stage experimental hbide" ready to run?

Yes, anybody can make it, all the tools are on SVN 
and on the internet for free.


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