> I intentionally reduce above define to __WATCOMC__ builds because
> only for Linux open Watcom builds I verified that the valid value
> is 020000000000. I should even change the condition to use:
>   defined( __WATCOMC__ ) && defined( HB_OS_LINUX )
> In fact I should make it also in few other places to avoid potential
> problems with OpenWatcom builds for other *nixes.
> CRTSCTS not commonly used constant value defined by some standards
> like 0, 1, 2 for stdin, stdout and stderr handlers which we can
> safely use without any macros on POSIX systems. It strictly
> depends on CRTL and used system. If compiler does not redefine
> this macro value using its own CRTL wrapper to system call then
> on Linux and SunOS it's 0x80000000 but in OpenBSD and NetBSD it's
> 0x00010000, in FreeBSD it's 0x0003000, in HAIKU it's 0x6000,
> DJGPP uses it's own non system code for termios with flags incompatible
> with any other system and it does not CRTSCTS at least explicitly, etc.
> I think that this define can be enabled for other C compilers on given
> system (the same C compiler may use different constant values on different
> systems) only after verification the valid value for this macro is used.
> Otherwise we may only silently hide real problem. If we introduce such
> hacks in too many places then porting Harbour to new OS or finding some
> bugs will be nightmare.
> Viktor, I've seen you committed above modification but I would like
> to ask you to remove it and enable such definition only for compilers
> and system where you verified exact working value. If in some systems
> such functionality is available but CRTL does not give interface to
> it then we can disable some part of code during compilation and
> introduce 'int TODO;' dummy variable to generate warning which will
> mark that some things should be updated.

If I got it correctly, it should be something like:

#if ! defined( CRTSCTS )
   #if defined( HB_OS_LINUX ) || defined( HB_OS_SUNOS )
      #define CRTSCTS 0x80000000
   #elif defined( HB_OS_BSD )
      #define CRTSCTS 0x00010000
   #elif defined( HB_OS_BEOS )
      #define CRTSCTS 0x6000


#if defined( CRTSCTS )
   int iTODO;



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