> Please start looking for output for any C compiler we are
> using or any other console tool.
> harbour.exe output is also good example. It does not use any
> space padding.
>> Or someone solves it instead of me.
>> Again: Plain output looked almost unbearable. Maybe 
>> this is normal for portable apps, but I better like 
>> a help which is possible to read.
> Fortunately authors of console tools had different opinion
> and we do not have any other console programs padding output
> with spaces to some arbitrary size (79 in case of hbmk2).

I'm using MAXCOL(), not an arbitrary size. This is all 
I can do to attempt to get screen size.

> But if you think that you know better then there is nothing
> what I can say more :-(

If you can give me any sort of advice how to format 
output so that it stays readable even on regular screens 
like y*80, please do. I can't expect users to have screens 
400 chars wide to fit some stuff.

You can give it a shot and revert code to just spill 
everything on screen as is and try to decipher what you 
see. It's impossible. Do you think I'd have spent lots 
of time to create all the code to format output as it 
is now? (No, I wouldn't)

Another principal: To make translation possible, I had 
to store all (even long) texts as one string, so it's 
not possible to hand-wrap help text for example.

Where does exactly padding cause problems in real life?
All outputs which may be grabbed using mouse for cut&paste 
purposes is just dumped to screen as-is (echoed commands 
f.e.). Only hbmk2's own messages are formatted, but it 
seems rare someone would like to cut&paste these. (In 
any case it can redirected and cut from text file.)

Anyhow I don't care what solution is developed here as 
long as text storage is kept intact and resulting output 
is human readable on screen.


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