Hi Przemek,

On 2009 Nov 20, at 14:29, Przemysław Czerpak wrote:

> On Fri, 20 Nov 2009, Szak�ts Viktor wrote:
> Hi,
>> I'd say go for it.
> I'll commit it in a while.

Thank you, I saw you did it since.

>> Any reason we don't seem to have HB_FM_DLMT_ALLOC 
>> enabled by default when building vmmt lib? I think 
>> we should enable it.
> For all platforms which now uses DLMALLOC I think it can be enabled.
> For sure for 64bit builds. Using many mspaces on 32bit platforms may
> cause memory fragmentation. For 99% of programs it should not be a
> problem but if someone created code which allocates very large memory
> blocks containg hundreds of megabytes then it may create problems.
> On 64bit platforms the address space is large enough to fully eliminate
> this problem.
> There is also yet another problem with DLMALLOC. Valgrind does not
> recognize it so it cannot create some memory statistics when it's used
> instead of default memory manager which is replaced dynamically by
> valgrind. It means that for Linux it should be optional.
> Anyhow I've just made some test with suse11.2-...@64 and DLMALLOC
> compiled with hvmall.c is noticeable faster then default memory
> manager and speed difference is quite huge (~15% in speedtst.prg).
> so in some cases it can be important extension for final code.

Well, pls feel free to decide, to me, from your words it seems 
it can be enabled for win/os2 platforms without any restrictions. 
For "valgrind platforms", IMO we may also enable it by 
default and disable it for debug builds only, since I believe 
the latter is typically used for valgrind testing.


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