If i undestrand your proposal
The problem of made more simple for a newbies is resolved

The only problem maj be that for minigui,fivewin we need hbc copied in
each directory
possible serch/use a predefined dir for hbc(lib)  if not present in
current directory
imo also a lib only maj useful
i also think to a  hbmk2 only  feature

count on my works for a simple work of rearranging Under your supervision

2009/10/26 Viktor Szakáts <harbour...@syenar.hu>:
>>> hbmk2 will never replace thinking from the side of
>>> app programmers.
>> Yes you are right
>> but think that we haven't jet good info so maj be a problem for a new
>> user find right information
> It can't even replace documentation ;)
>>>> harbour user read in prg and not found right information about lib
>>>> similar problem if my source include
>>>> #include "minigui.ch"
>>>> #include "fivewin.ch"
>>> This would require knowledge of internal details of 3rd
>>> party and contrib libs inside hbmk2, which is not good
>>> solution (f.e. who will maintain it? I certainly won't.
>>> It's BTW impossible if we consider all 3rd party versions
>>> and differences between version, etcetc).
>>> Instead we could introduce some sort of "USING" or
>>> "IMPORT" keyword (f.e. as #pragma) plus a compiler
>>> parser (like the one for #include) to extract this
>>> information, so that hbmk2 can automatically add
>>> thos refereed *.hbc files* from .prg source code.
>>> .hbc files can in turn pull in all required libs and
>>> headers dirs.
>>> It's important to deal with .hbc only, and not libs,
>>> inc paths and whatnot directly.
>>> If we have the infrastructure, it seems relatively
>>> easy to add it to hbmk2.
>>> [ Note, I don't we should use REQUEST for this purpose,
>>> since it works differently. ]
>> This can be a solution also for prev problem
>> sufficent add in source right pragma directive
>> then is possible compile without know name of library
>> also compiling a source found in internet maj be easy done
>> i can do modification  in existing source of tests adding your directive
>> in xbase++ is present a  preprocessor directive
>>  #pragma library ("mylib.lib")
>> i not sure that is same but same body will  post xbase++ documentation
> Yes, something like this, but instead of direct
> lib names, we should try to use .hbc files, which
> is much more flexible. Also, above works probably
> on the linker/object level, while my proposed
> solution works only in source files and in conjunction
> with hbmk2. Pbly not generic enough though, so
> we may want to use something like:
> #pragma option:hbmk2 mylib.hbc
> This could be extracted with harbour -sm with output below:
> {option:hbmk2}mylib.hbc
> This would allow passing any options to any tools.
> Brgds,
> Viktor
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