Hi Massimo,

I try explain you a possible feature for hbmk2
if in my source is included REQUEST ADS i must add to hbmk2 ace32.lib +rddads.lib
REQUEST BMDBFCDX   hbbmcdx.lib
REQUEST HB_MEMIO  hbmemio.lib
REQUEST HB_GT_WVG  gtwvg.lib
REQUEST ADORDD   rddado.lib
will this intelligence be in hbmk2 ?
detect needed library in automatic (not all but best help same user that none)
Is possible at least a messages?
"add hbmemio.lib"

hbmk2 will never replace thinking from the side of
app programmers.

harbour user read in prg and not found right information about lib

similar problem if my source include
#include "minigui.ch"
#include "fivewin.ch"

This would require knowledge of internal details of 3rd
party and contrib libs inside hbmk2, which is not good
solution (f.e. who will maintain it? I certainly won't.
It's BTW impossible if we consider all 3rd party versions
and differences between version, etcetc).

Instead we could introduce some sort of "USING" or
"IMPORT" keyword (f.e. as #pragma) plus a compiler
parser (like the one for #include) to extract this
information, so that hbmk2 can automatically add
thos refereed *.hbc files* from .prg source code.
.hbc files can in turn pull in all required libs and
headers dirs.

It's important to deal with .hbc only, and not libs,
inc paths and whatnot directly.

If we have the infrastructure, it seems relatively
easy to add it to hbmk2.

[ Note, I don't we should use REQUEST for this purpose,
since it works differently. ]

Possible hbmk2 be renamed in hbmk?

Not until we have hbmk, but as I told in the past,
I think hbmk2 stuck enough to be a proper name, it's
also much easy to google to, etc.


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