2009/10/12 Angel Pais <amigo...@adinet.com.uy>:
>> Windows applications can be executed without any problems using WINE
>> but the performance of IO operations is fatal. Even simple tests show
>> that database access is over 10 times slower then in native applications.
>> DOS applications executed by DOSEMU are only about 2-3 times slower.
> You're failing the comparison point.
> Meassuring apples against bananas.
> We cannot compare gui applications against console apps.
> Console ones are faster even on windows.
> Unless you are developpping a web server, i/o access is a minimal part of
> all your app running time.
To me comparision sound right becasue In the same machine with wine
you access data and use a gui
In my application IO access is the most important element
In all my harbour application (ADS and dbxcdx) When Upgrade Speed of
disk and lan my application work fast

> Even considering that, most apps are running over a network and performance
> is even worst and people are used to it.
> Until Harbour has a working GUI development API, denigrating WINE is a
> no-no, as for now, is the only usable platform on the linux world for real
> apps.
> If you want to achieve optimus performance then you have to make real 2 or 3
> tier apps. Tier 1:being a gui app client under wine or anything else. Tier
> 2: a console app server under pure linux and an opcional 3rd. Tiers with a
> rdbms if you don't like dbfs.
> The serious candidate for this is uhttpd but the are missing a protocol for
> serialize-transmit-deserialize data in a 2 way relationship.
> Just my humble oppinion about our technological status.
> Let's work all together to improve this marvelous plattform instead.
> My hat off for this great meeting of great programmers Harbour has earned.

Multi  Tier application is good for scalability  of application
with more that 200 user you must -will use a multi Tier application so
you can expand speed Database server Or applIication server changing
cpu,memory,disk when user grow
How many user use your  xbase++ aplications under wine+samba +freenx server ?
wine+samba +freenx  are 1 tier becase run on same machine
IMO will  be better harbour+Xhb+hbqt+freenx server

Massimo Belgrano
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