for a prev post of Viktor
Please note my addition to the entry (to be found in ChangeLog file):

   ; NOTE: INCOMPATIBLE. You'll need to modify hb_par*()/hb_stor*()
           instances where they are used with extra parameter to
           hb_parv*()/hb_storv*(). [vszakats]

While you can change *all* calls, that makes your app prone
to all problems which this patch is meant to solve, so I can
just recommend to change names *only* for calls which use
_the extra array index parameter_. Leave the rest as is for best

2009/10/7 Roberto Lopez <>:
> Viktor:
> I'm trying to compile HMG code (working on Harbour 1.0) with 2.0 and I'm
>  getting lot of errors on 'hb_storni' 'hb_stornl' and hb_parc.
> I've searched the changelog for changes on these functions, but I've not
> found any help on that there.
> The error message is 'too many arguments'.
> TIA.
> Regards,
> Roberto.
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Massimo Belgrano

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