
2009/10/5 Przemyslaw Czerpak <dru...@acn.waw.pl>:

>> >> My example (two connections to the table):
>> >> RDD: DBFCDX \\\income\_tst2
>> >> testing...                   25.58 sec.
>> >> RDD: LETO //
>> >> testing...                  56.09 sec.
>> > 1. what is 'your example' in this test?
>> > 2. how many records (N_RECCOUNT) you tested?
>> > 3. can you also show results for my example?
>> This is your example, but the network
> Can you explain how it's possible that in your network it works faster
> then on my computer locally? Without modification in the code I sent
> it seems impossible for me.

Client - winXP
Server - Win2003

Linux (client) - much longer (Thus DBFCDX even more slowly)

Time depends on the network and OS (the cost of operations themselves
are minimal, as it works fast local DBFCDX)

Best regards
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