Przemyslaw Czerpak wrote:
> ....
> ....
> all these analysis with a short scan thru the source code. Wooh.
>>I do not need such remote server for my own use - all my applications
>>are executed fully on the server side so I do not want to reduce it
>>to ADS like level.
> How do you achieve that?
>>In the past I started to work on NETRDD and I documented the
>>server and client part and defined basic communication protocol
>>but so far I haven't time to finish it. Seeing what happens with
>>my code in xHarbour I also do not find big motivation to finish
>>it and public as free OpenSource project but I also do not have
> Missed that story. (wasn't Harboured then)
>>any precise plans about commercial releasing.
> I Wiiiiiiish.
> Just simply I haven't
> taken the decision yet. Maybe I'll finish it and release as close
> source binary library which can be freely used with Harbour but
> only with applications which do not use any commercial libraries.
> Or maybe I'll invest much more time in it and try to write full
> RDBMS with transactions, SQL support and query optimizer and
> release it as commercial project.
> Sounds good too... I wiiiiiish.
> Best rgrds
> Abe.
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