Viktor Szakáts wrote:
instead organize in plain .txt  i suggest  organized in dbf
More easy to organize,order,publish
is a clear demo of harbour capability
.dbf isn't very practical here IMO. .txt or some other
simple source format is the best.
The template doc/hdr_tpl.txt already exists and is used by various documents around the source tree.

I've been examining hbdoc, I've altered it to handle line endings like hbextern, but I've also been working on a variation (hbdoc2) that uses simple classes to encapsulate the common functionality.

The output source files will be heavily based on the originals in hbdoc; is this okay? I am not an expert on copyrights, I hope that as long as I include the original copyright notices I am not doing something wrong.

    * Copyright 2009 April White <april>
    * www -
    * Portions of this project are based on hbdoc
    *    Copyright 1999-2003 Luiz Rafael Culik <>


When asked this riddle, 80% of kindergarten kids got the answer, compared to 
17% of Stanford University seniors.
What is greater than God, More evil than the devil, The poor have it, The rich 
need it, And if you eat it, you'll die?

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