
Viktor Szakáts wrote:
> Sorry, I didn't want to hurry you. You're doing a very 
> nice job and the progress is very impressive. 

Thanks for the encouragement.

> My only suggestion would be to concentrate on implementing
> Xbase++ features first, and just then move on to extensions.
> But, however you feel :)

Sometimes ideas come when you are working on 
the subject. And moments later those tends to be 
lost in the backyard of your thoughts. Later you can/cannot
retrieve if that idea was worth anything.

For example, while working on XPSTATIC_TYPE_TEXT
I was amazed to notice that Xbase++ has only two 
variables to control the appearance, viza, :type and :options.
:options in case of TEXT could be ORs of alignment only.
There is no way to define the borders etc. So if you want to show 
a label in a raised frame you need two objects one raisedrect and 
other label taking raisedrect as its parent. In practice this can be 
one call with one more instance variable OR having mechanism
to ORing XHBSTATIC_THICKFRAME etc. Moreover Xbase implements
only THICK-2px and THIN-1px frame only, very limiting.

> BTW, could you check why the tab color differences between
> Linux/OSX and Windows builds: (maybe we just need some
> color which works on all systems)
> http://www.syenar.hu/harbour/demoxbp_linux.png
> http://www.syenar.hu/harbour/demoxbp_osx.png
> http://www.syenar.hu/harbour/demoxbp_win.png
> [ the missing statusbar content in Linux isn't a bug,
> I've just clicked on the menu before doing the screenshot ]

Perhaps window manager of different OSs manage TABBAR color
differently. Note I have not called :setColorBG() on these objects.
But this can be explored further.

Pritpal Bedi
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