Here i can help you
sqlrdd from harbour com can be used as complete replacement for an
application written using dbfcdx
you must change file("test.dbc") to sr_file() and optimise set filter,
populating intelligent recorset for having better performance
I have converted one big application in few day to sql server and
also oracle using demo

Mediator OTC made a similar
works but require a program on server side like letodb
Either emulate recno(),deleted(), set order to , seek. you can migrate
in few day

rddsql not support any index command (cdx),
is a clean access to sql world and is good for integrate same sql
table in existing application

i vote for maintain this mailing open to any info regarding knowledge

2009/6/7 Szakáts Viktor <>:
> Guys,

> For me f.e. it's not very clear what is the difference
> between xhb SQLRDD and our RDDSQL.
> Brgds,
> Viktor

Massimo Belgrano
Harbour mailing list

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