2009/6/3 Alexander S.Kresin <a...@belacy.belgorod.su>

>  One reason will be that new harbour version is better and more stable and
>> more powerfull
>  Harbour versions before 1.00 was quite stable, too. I, for example, worked
> with the code, dated by 2008-01-25 ( don't know, what version it is :) )
> till last month and have migrated to 1.01 because ... I don't know why :),
> but not due to problems or limitations with an old one

Here we are discussing naming next version 2.0 becase it have a lof of
impementation and bug remove
so better having all userbase migrated on next version

>  In corner of letodb suggestion Is possible think a letodb server version
>> as a service?
>  Yes, I think. I haven't concern in this, because I don't know, what
> advantages letodb could get being a service.
Basically advantage it start with system startup WIll be loaded in server
also without login (without trip)

Massimo Belgrano
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