You're right, __HARBOUR__ was defined before, so how about this modified
version which requires manual macro only for pre 1.0.0 Harbour version (which
aren't probably that widespread anymore):

This needs 'HB_PRE10' to be #defined for pre-Harbour 1.0.0 releases:
#if defined( __XHARBOUR__ )
   /* code for xhb */

#if ! defined( __XHARBOUR__ ) && defined( __HARBOUR__ )
   /* code for harbour */

#if ! defined( __XHARBOUR__ ) && defined( __HARBOUR__ ) && defined( HB_PRE10 )
   /* code for harbour-pre-10x */

#if ! defined( __XHARBOUR__ ) && defined( __HARBOUR__ ) && ! defined( HB_PRE10 )
   #if __HARBOUR__ >= 0x010000 && __HARBOUR__ < 0x010100
      /* code for harbour-10x */

#if ! defined( __XHARBOUR__ ) && defined( __HARBOUR__ ) && ! defined( HB_PRE10 )
   #if __HARBOUR__ >= 0x010100
      /* code for harbour-11x-or-upper */

Things get simpler if you decide to drop support for very old Harbour versions:
#if defined( __XHARBOUR__ )
   /* code for xhb */

#if ! defined( __XHARBOUR__ ) && defined( __HARBOUR__ )
   /* code for harbour */

#if ! defined( __XHARBOUR__ ) && defined( __HARBOUR__ ) && __HARBOUR__
>= 0x010000 && __HARBOUR__ < 0x010100
   /* code for harbour-10x */

#if ! defined( __XHARBOUR__ ) && defined( __HARBOUR__ ) && __HARBOUR__
>= 0x010100
   /* code for harbour-11x-or-upper */

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