>-----Original Message-----
>From: Viktor Szakáts [mailto:harbour...@syenar.hu] 
>Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2009 10:25 AM
>To: Harbour Project Main Developer List.
>Subject: Re: [Harbour] MT - Xbase++ - A Code Snippet


>There are detailed articles about the internals, and the 
>details aren't very simple or straighforward. Probably similar 
>could be done with Harbour, but it's out of the scope of the 
>core language and it's a different topic than multithreading.

Thread in Harbour is eat much less memory than Chrome process.
Harbours MT is very good.

I'm try work with uHTTPd, but without succes. 
Oryginal Mindaugas code (from XII 2008) always hangs on line :

hSocket := socket_accept(hListen, @aRemote) // (on OW and BCC).

I don't understand how work server after Francesco's modification.
For my serwer work as drunk, but it is not to roll, even under the debugger.
Instructions in readmy.txt are obsolete.
Does anyone have positive results with this server?

Marek Horodyski
Harbour mailing list

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