On Tue, 02 Jun 2009, Szak�ts Viktor wrote:


> I'll add SLEEP() in next commit.

Thanks but I do not think it's good idea to have such function xbase++
compatible in core code.
XBASE++ uses delay given in 1/100 of second (10 milliseconds) and it's
probably caused by historical reasons - precision inherited from OS2
DosSleep() function.
Windows has Sleep() function which needs milliseconds as parameter so
I guess that it may confuse non xbase++ Windows users for which delay
given in 10 milliseconds will look strange.
In POSIX systems sleep() function uses seconds. FlagShip has .prg SLEEP()
function which also uses seconds as parameter. The same is in CLIP.
Personally I'm finding seconds as the best choice because it's INKEY()
compatible so it's chance that also other dbase/clipper compatible
languages use seconds.
IMHO if we plan to keep in core code SLEEP() function then I vote to
use seconds as parameter.

best regards,
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