For me sound good Harbour 1.5 because it is a release intermediate from 1.0
to 2.0I have not evaluated the effect of release number in xharbour but we
have a very special content
MultiThrea,Multiwindows,Hbmk2,hbqt,rddsql and the grooving of library like
I think that a lot of user migrating from xharbour when harbour give gtwvw
compatibility from gtwvg ...seem that about 8% of [x]harbour user use gtwvw
Content of harbour is more important that "versioning numbering" but

for having 2.0 numeration we need something like netgt or  netrdd or gtweb

2009/5/29 Viktor Szakáts <>

> >> Well, the main reason is that users cannot really grasp the difference
> >> between Harbour and xhb. Many of them think they are the same thing.
> >> Now, if we don't adapt / react to that, and always keep low profile, the
> >> notion will be that we're not doing anything, as our version number
> >> suggest that we're just an older version of the same thing. Which isn't
> >> further from the truth. Stupid as it is, it still seem to hold true.
> >
> > I think we were talking about version numbering before 1.0.0 RC. My
> opinion
> > is not changed from this time. Larger version number does no associates
> for
> > me to a better product, but conservative version umbering do associates.
> I agree with you, but generally users (even developers, sometimes even me)
> aren't such "wise" in this regard :(
> IMO we should avoid being driven by insane version increases, but we
> certainly have more freedom in forming it than adding +1.
> > Talking about xhb/Harbour.... You can do next version 1.6 or 1.20. You'll
> > get next xHarbour to be 1.7 or 1.50. It's just a question: who knows a
> > larger number?... I do not think it is worth to play these games.
> Valid question. I don't know, and it may well happen, so most probably
> we should somehow try to emphasis the differences / advantages by some
> other means.
> >> BTW, just a little statistics: 1.0.1 was r9429, currently we're at
> r11179,
> >> 1750 commits after (18% increase), ChangeLog size was 3.2MB, now
> >> it is 4.5MB, 1.3MB or 40% increase. This is huge, not a minor release.
> >> If you check the whatsnew doc, there are tons of stuff in it, even now,
> >> not even half finished.
> >
> > I understand your idea. But I think it's better to follow some accepted
> > numbering scheme. It can be any:
> > 1.0906  // for June 2009
> > 1.11179 // for revision number
> > 1.45    // ChangeLog size in 100kB
> > 1.0 -> 1.1 -> 1.2 -> etc....
> >
> > I just thought we use the last one.
> Yes, all these are options. I don't personally like these "speaking
> numbers"
> though. They are usually redundant and for me they tell even less than
> the classic solution, where you can usually conclude from the version
> number
> *increase* the expected amount of changes in a product. (until the
> marketing department took over the development dept. that is)
> So, if the developers (who know best) decided this is a +0.5 increase
> that tells me they've pushed it much harder, than - say - for a +0.1
> increase.
> And an +1 increase tells that something even bigger was done. Neither
> of these break the rule to signal compatibility levels, as *any* change in
> minor (in "major.minor.release") revision means no guarantee for
> compatibility
> anyway.
> So maybe we should rather concentrate on that, without being carried away
> by xhb version numbering, and IMO if we do this, we can still increase our
> version number by > 0.1 (if we agree to do so) to reflect the amount of
> changes, which was very high since prev release.
> >> Odd-even notation: I've been also thinking about it, maybe we can use
> >> it to replace 'dev' postfix. Since our 'dev' is quite stable and lasts
> for
> >> quite long, maybe it merits it's own version number for easier
> reference.
> >
> > I agree with this idea of version numbering selection. I this case our
> next
> > release should be 1.2. By the way, what (odd or even) version numbers
> other
> > products use for stable releases? It would be better to follow a general
> > rule if it exists.
> Even numbers meant stable versions in Linux kernels, odd ones the
> development versions. We're in sync with that currently.
> Brgds,
> Viktor
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