On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 11:01 AM, Alexander S.Kresin
<a...@belacy.belgorod.su> wrote:
> Viktor Szakáts writes:
>> There should also be hb_errInternalRaw() (also public function) in
>> that source file.
>> "allow multiple definition" is very dubious to me, as there it's very
>> difficult
>> to know for sure which of the multiple definitions will actually be
>> effective
>> at runtime.
>  I supposed that placing hb_errInternal() in a letodb kernel file, I
> guarantee that it will be called at runtime - that's why I didn't add the
> whole errint.c as a separate file.

This is the only working solution, unless we move the other
function to a separate function inside Harbour source tree.
I'll do that.

>  But, probably, having a separate errint.c is really a more clean way.
> Anyhow, now the outstanding problem for me is that one I wrote in previous
> message - with that strange dll, which is demanded by letodb.exe, build with
> mingw.

Quite strange, I've never seen that. Did you try to create letodb with
hbmk2? I would wonder if you'd get the same error. In case you do,
please post your MinGW version and -trace output.

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