
On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 9:19 AM, Massimo Belgrano <>wrote:

> I am working on italianthis is a preview
> Using hbmk2
> hbmk2 is a Tool that allow compile sample and large project
> basic use of this tools is
> hbmk2 ac_test
> hbmk2 ac_test.prg
> After this command you have ac_test.exe created
> You can also immediaply execute simple using
> hbmk2 ac_test -run
> Hbmk2 is indipendent from Platform and Compiler that you use
> Please also try the recommended way with hbmk2, it does
> a similar job to your manual Makefile, but it's portable, works
> for all future test programs and just one line.
> If hbmk2 doesn't work for you for some reason, post your
> -trace output here.
> How compile several. PRG & lib?*hbmk2* test1 test2 testn -lmylib1 -lmylib2
> -lmylibn
> *hbmk2* test1.prg test2.prg testn.prg mylib1.lib mylib2.lib mylibn.lib

Just one comment:

Using .lib extension works, but isn't recommended, because
it creates non-portable command lines.

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