> > In this case you can copy hbmk.cfg to one of these location neutral dirs:
> > /etc/harbour or ~/.harbour.
> The problem is that such hbmk.cfg will be common to all Harbour
> installations I will have in the system.


> > If there is a way to detect that softlink condition we can add support
> > for it.
> There is no portable method. In fact also hb_argv(0) may not be usable
> or even accessible in POSIX system. Program may not have rights to scan
> directories from it was executed or can be even executed in some different
> chroot-ed environment.
> But let's leave it as is if user can disable hard coded paths in final
> shared binaries.

There are still some choices you can use:
- Put .hbp file with libs= lines into your project dir. It will be found and
parsed by hbmk2.
- Specify any .hbp file directly on the command line. You can even include
  from an .hbm file.

> > -shareable? -shareddist?
> We already have:
>   -[full]static
> We can have corresponding:
>   -[full|fix]shared

I'll add it.

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